Submission > Submission procedure



Abstract Submission Procedure


The official language of the symposium for both paper and presentation is English. Prospective authors should select one of the two following categories:

- Scientific paper containing 4-6 pages for final submission.

- Technical paper containing 2-3 pages for final submission to lighten the workload for industrial engineers.

Prospective authors are requested to submit an extended abstract in English, limited to two pages, describing the problem definition, method and results obtained. The abstract for technical paper can be limited to one page. PDF format is preferable.

Authors should pre-register* on the symposium website in order to submit their abstract. They should primarily create an account on "SciencesConf".

The deadline for extended abstract submission is November 30, 2024.

After review by the International Scientific Committee, successful authors will be required to submit their final paper for June 15, 2025.

The template to be used for the extended abstract can be downloaded here


The procedure to submit your extended abstract is as follows:

- Create an account on SciencesConf, if you did not have already one (an HAL account can also be used),

- Fill the Pre-Registration form* by selecting the corresponding item of the menu.

- When you select the "Abstract submission" item (last of this "Submission" menu), you will enter a 4 step procedure:

Meta: you should enter the title of your paper, select between "Scientific paper" and "Technical paper", select up to three topics in the proposed list. They should be the same as the ones indicated at the beginning of your paper.

Authors: you should enter the names and affiliations for all the authors.

File: If you did not use the FAST-zero'25 official template until now, you can still download it there and modify our paper before submission. You should select the file of your extended abstract on your PC by clicking on "Parcourir" and finally click on "Upload". No Supplementary data are required for abstract deposit.

Overview: you can check the data entered before clicking on "Submit".

You will get an email "Confirmation of abstract submission" with a reference number.


* Once you fill the pre-registration form, you will appear in the FAST-zero'25 mailing list, so you can fill it out on your first visit to the site in order to be regularly informed of the Symposium news.





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